

Successful companies are driven to promote quality in every aspect of their business: from the way they operate, to the levels of service guaranteed to the customer, to the products supplied.
This is a strategic vision that brings an improvement in terms of "brand equity" and image, ensuring the company the best tools to win new opportunities in an increasingly competitive and global market.

What it is?

ISO 9001 is an international standard on quality management, applicable by all organizations, operating in any sector of activity.
It is based on eight quality management principles (all essential for good business management).

■ Customer focus
■ Leadership
■ Staff involvement
■ Process approach
■ Systemic approach to management
■ Continuous improvement
■ Decisions based on factual data
■ Relationships of mutual benefit with suppliers

What are the main benefits?

■ Demonstrates the company's commitment to quality and customer satisfaction
■ Ensures that the products and services offered by the company actually take the needs into account customer and mandatory and regulatory requirements
■ Allows measuring the company's progress towards the continuous improvement of its performance market by using a reference standard to compare with.
■ Helps to improve company results in organizational terms

NEW ISO 9001:2015

The new edition of the ISO 9001 standard was published on 23 September 2015.
The revision of the standard is placed in the scenario of great change that involves the family of
ISO standards on Management Systems and whose primary objective is to create a common "Hight Level Structure "among the standards.
The new edition of ISO 9001 is more open to companies that provide services and tackles the greater complexity of the current market, taking into account aspects such as: expectations of stakeholders (ethics, sustainability ...), the fragmentation of supply chains, etc. 


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